Columnar Joints

The following trips feature columnar joints:

Canary Islands

Volcanic Island Hopping - visits Los Organos on La Gomera


Spitsbergen and North East Greenland - often visits Viking Bugt see photo opposite.


The Vulcanologist's Dream - visits Reynisfjara where columnar jointing can be seen on the beach.


Ocean Crust and Mountains of Mantle - visits several sites within the Semail Ophiolite where sills show columnar cooling structures.


The Birth of Geology - visits Fingal's Cave on the Isle of Staffa, a cave cut into beautiful cooling columns.


Yellowstone, Dinosaurs and Grand Canyon - visits Sheepeater Cliff in Yellowstone National Park.

A photograph of James Cresswell pointing to columnar joints in East Greenland
James Cresswell with columnar jointing in Viking Bugt -Greenland.
A sea cliff with columnar jointing, Los Organos on La Gomera Island, taken on Canary Islands geology holiday
Los Organos, La Gomera Island - Canary Islands