Around Spitsbergen


Once every four years James Cresswell will take an exclusive GeoWorld Travel group, onboard a passenger expedition cruise ship to Svalbard
Next trip: August 2025 (Dates TBC)
*Minimum GeoWorld Travel group size is 6*
10 Days/9 Nights
Price TBC

Svalbard is the name of the whole archipelago and Spitsbergen is the name of the largest island. Svalbard has a fascinating geology spanning the last one billion years and is also the most accessible place in the Arctic. 

A photograph of James Cresswell Director of GeoWorld Travel & PolarWorld Travel with pointing to a tree fossil in Trygghamna, Spitsbergen,Svalbard
James Cresswell pointing to a fossil plant in Trygghamna, Spitsbergen, Svalbard

James Cresswell (Director of GeoWorld Travel) will lead the trip

James has guided on this expedition several times when he was previously employed as the ship's geologist & expedition guide. On this voyage he will  not be working for the expedition cruise company, he will instead be working for you,  joining the ship as the group leader for an exclusive GeoWorld Travel group . The ship will have its own geological guide aboard, but James will provided the GeoWorld Travel group additional geological  talks, discussions and guiding, and will be able to give you much greater attention than the ship's own guide who has many additional onboard responsibilities.

If you do not want to wait to join a trip led by James or prefer a different itinerary - no problem! We also run PolarWorld Travel, an expedition cruise consultancy & booking agent and weare happy to help you choose the expedition that is right for you.